Hello list,

i'm trying to replace /etc/login.defs on the target with my own one. So
I created a shadow-sysroot_%.bbappend file with this content:

# As we're overriding login.defs_shadow-sysroot we have to readd the checksum 
for it here
# as it's containing the license for this component

SRC_URI_append = " file://login.defs_shadow-sysroot "

S = "${WORKDIR}"

do_install_append() {
        install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
        install -p -m 755 ${S}/login.defs_shadow-sysroot 

FILES_${PN} = "${D}${sysconfdir}/login.defs"

If I run "bitbake shadow-sysroot" everything seems fine. But on the target
there is no package shadow-sysroot after a complete image build. Just these:

opkg list  | grep shadow
shadow - 4.2.1-r0
shadow-base - 4.2.1-r0
shadow-securetty - 4.2.1-r3

If I explicit added shadow-sysroot to my fsl-image.bb where I put all my
other packages for the target in I get this error.

bitbake fsl-image

Collected errors:
 * opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn't find anything to satisfy 

ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs

Some clue what is wrong here? I'am on jethro yocto branch.

Best regards,

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