> On Jun 15, 2016, at 1:27 AM, Anicic Damir (PSI) <damir.ani...@psi.ch> wrote:
> Hi !
> I am trying to build Yocto 2.1 for PowerPC64, e6500 CPU.
> I managed to build, with warnings that some steps will be postponed to first 
> boot,
> but if I add "read-only-rootfs" then warnings change to errors.
> The problem seems to be missing qemu-ppc64, see down "exit code: 127".
> qemu-* executables ( tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/qemu-* ) are built, 
> but qemu-ppc64 is missing.
> If I build qemu-ppc64 (qemu 2.6) myself (install it to /usr/local/bin which 
> is in PATH),
> then I get "Invalid instruction" from my qemu-ppc64.
> My build (core-image-psi-gfa-cmd is basically core-image-full-cmdline ):
>   Build Configuration:
>   BB_VERSION        = "1.30.0"
>   BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
>   NATIVELSBSTRING   = "ScientificLinux-6.4"
>   TARGET_SYS        = "powerpc64-poky-linux"
>   MACHINE           = "powerpc64-ppc64e6500"
>   DISTRO            = "gfa-ppc64e6500"
>   DISTRO_VERSION    = "2.1"
>   TUNE_FEATURES     = "m64 fpu-hard e6500 altivec"
>   TARGET_FPU        = ""
>   meta
>   meta-poky
>   meta-yocto-bsp
>   meta-gfa          = 
> "krogoth-gfa-v2:898a78357e72fb80f1f8e26ba90bad5b7b054a4f"
>   NOTE: Preparing RunQueue
>   NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
>   NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
>   WARNING: core-image-psi-gfa-cmd-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: The postinstall intercept 
> hook 'update_gio_module_cache' failed (exit code: 127)! See log for details!
>   WARNING: core-image-psi-gfa-cmd-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: The postinstalls for the 
> following packages will be postponed for first boot: libglib-2.0-0
>   WARNING: core-image-psi-gfa-cmd-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: [log_check] 
> core-image-psi-gfa-cmd: found a warning message in the logfile (keyword 
> 'WARNING:'):
>   [log_check] WARNING: The postinstall intercept hook 
> 'update_gio_module_cache' failed (exit code: 127)! See log for details!
>   WARNING: core-image-psi-gfa-cmd-1.0-r0 do_rootfs: [log_check] 
> core-image-psi-gfa-cmd: found a warning message in the logfile (keyword 
> 'WARNING:'):
>   [log_check] WARNING: The postinstalls for the following packages will be 
> postponed for first boot: libglib-2
> If I build core-image-psi-gfa-cmd ( which is basicaly core-image-lsb-sdk ),
> then there are few more postinstall problems, too:
>   The postinstalls for the following packages will be postponed for first 
> boot:
>                  libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-ico libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-bmp 
> libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-jpeg
>                  libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-png   libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-gif 
> libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-xpm libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-loader-ani
> all with the same qemu-ppc64 problem.

we do not have qemuppc64 working correctly in all cases. We now depend on Qemu 
to do some compile tasks which are not easily cross compilable. Those will fail.

> I have additionally eudev postinstall problem (generating hwdb.bin) -probably 
> also qemu related
> Please help.
> Kind regards,
> Damir
> --
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