2016-05-28 20:17 GMT+01:00 Henry Hallam <he...@kittyhawk.aero>:
> Hi folks,
> I know Debian unstable is not a tested/supported distribution, but it
> worked fine for me for the past 6 months until recently, and I figure
> we'll want Yocto to work on Debian Stretch when it's released next
> year.  I suspect what I'm seeing is a Debian bug rather than a Yocto
> one, but I'd love some help tracking it down so I can report it.
> I've narrowed the reproducing test case to the following:
> * Set up host with an up-to-date Debian unstable distribution on amd64
> * Checkout a clean copy of 'poky', either on the 'krogoth' or 'jethro'
> branch (I've tried yocto-2.0.0, -2.0.1 and -2.1 as well as the tip of
> jethro, krogoth and master)
> * source oe-init-build-env
> * Edit local.conf to set MACHINE to qemuarm
> * bitbake perl
> The build fails at the split_and_strip_files function of the
> do_package step.  The target binutils
> arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-{objcopy,strip} fail to process
> .../package/usr/lib/perl/ptest/generate_uudmap because it is an x86-64
> executable and those tools are presumably only built to be able to
> handle target (ARM) binaries.  I'm not sure whether generate_uudmap is
> supposed to be built for native or target architecture.
> https://gist.github.com/henryhallam/de0d2c8ac99bab2c6b9f0ecd41dd4c72
> I've reproduced this on several different systems running up-to-date
> Debian Unstable, and confirmed that everything builds correctly on a
> VM running Debian Stable (Jessie).
> I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to proceed further.  I did try
> rolling back the 'perl' Debian package from its current version
> 5.22.2-1 to 5.22.1-10 and corresponding dependencies, which made no
> difference.  I'm not sure the host system perl is relevant at all,
> though.
> Any advice appreciated,

Hi Henry,

It's not just Debian, there's a bug report here:

I've already submitted a patch that should solve this:


> Henry
> --
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