On Wed, 25 May 2016, akuster wrote:

> Robert,
> On 05/25/2016 03:18 AM, Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >
> >   specifically in the context of powerpc systems, are there any
> > suggestions for an image that could be used to boot an older powerpc
> > system, running completely out of ram, and using that as an install
> > utility which would then be responsible for detecting/formatting a
> > hard drive, creating/formatting filesystems, downloading/installing
> > the OS, post-install configuration and so on?
> This sounds like an installer MV has and that I have been given approval
> to release (just haven’t had the time to submit it).  Its X86 centric ie
> uses grub and support efi
> It boots up from an iso image and runs a ncurses based interface that
> allows you to select HD, create partitions and filesystem types. It will
> install what ever image you built. It creates grub conf and installs it.
> The installer bit is written in python.

  given that it's based on grub, how compatible would it be with a
powerpc target? what i need is *specifically* for powerpc. and what
i'm after can't require a graphical interface, it needs to be
script-based as it will have to run on remote systems.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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