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On 05/04/2016 02:56 PM, Tom Zanussi wrote:

I'm happy to announce that an updated version of the Yocto 'Hands-on
Kernel Lab' has been released and is available here:

The above document contains all the instructions you need to get started
from scratch.

You can get to the lab and associated content by visiting the Yocto home
page ( and selecting 'Obtain training on
your own or at an event' from the drop-down list you get by clicking on
the 'START HERE TO LEARN MORE' box on the left-hand side and clicking on
the 'Hands-on Kernel Lab for TP 2.1 krogoth' link.

The 'Hands-on Kernel Lab' has been updated to Yocto 2.1 ('krogoth') and
a couple of new sections have been added.

See below for a complete list of what's covered along with the lab
number covering those topics.

I've run through the lab twice, once on Fedora 20 and once on Ubuntu
16.04, so it should be pretty solid at this point, but if you find
problems, please let me know...




The 'Hands-on Kernel Lab' is a series of labs that covers the following

   * Creating and using a traditional kernel recipe (lab1)

   * Using 'bitbake -c menuconfig' to modify the kernel configuration
and replace the defconfig with the new configuration (lab1)

   * Adding a kernel module to the kernel source and configuring it as a
built-in module by adding options to the kernel defconfig (lab1)

   * Creating and using a linux-yocto-based kernel (lab2)

   * Adding a kernel module to the kernel source and configuring it as a
built-in module using linux-yocto 'config fragments' (lab2)

   * Using the linux-yocto kernel as an LTSI kernel (configuring in an
item added by the LTSI kernel which is merged into linux-yocto) (lab2)

   * Using an arbitrary git-based kernel via the linux-yocto-custom
kernel recipe (lab3)

   * Adding a kernel module to the kernel source of an arbitrary
git-based kernel and configuring it as a loadable module using 'config
fragments' (lab3)

   * Actually getting the module into the image and autoloading it on
boot (lab3)

   * Using a local clone of an arbitrary git-based kernel via the
linux-yocto custom kernel recipe to demonstrate a typical development
workflow (lab4)

   * Modifying the locally cloned custom kernel source and verifying the
changes in the new image (lab4)

   * Using a local clone of a linux-yocto kernel recipe to demonstrate a
typical development workflow (lab4)

   * Adding and using an external kernel module via a module recipe (lab4)

   * Using the 'Yocto BSP Tools' yocto-bsp tool generate a new Yocto BSP

   * Using the 'Yocto BSP Tools' yocto-kernel tool to add kernel config
fragments (lab5)

   * Using the 'Yocto BSP Tools' yocto-kernel tool to add kernel patches

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