Hi Ross,
An alternative would be to have some naming pattern for conf packages
(-conf is reasonable) and invent a new image-feature called
conf-packages that uses a glob to find all complementary packages
matching the *-conf pattern. This is how dev-pkgs, dbg-pkgs,
doc-pkgs etc work. I believe this is just a matter of
setting COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB[conf-pkgs] = '*-conf' in your configuration.
I will try this, thanks.
I tried this solution:
COMPLEMENTARY_GLOB[conf-pkgs] = '*-conf'
IMAGE_FEATURES_append = " conf-pkgs"
But this did not work for me. The obvious reason(i guess) is no matching
packages build for '*-conf', though all configuration recipes provides
'<base_component>-conf' packages, but the dependency is missing to build
those packages :(.
My layer provides configuration packages for core components, such as
'connman', 'openssh', 'dropbear', etc., which needs to/can be configured
with our configuration framework. I would like to find a way to pick the
corresponding config packages based on the image configuration, for
example 'openssh-conf' or 'dropbear-conf' whichever the image is
configured to use.
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