Hi Ivan,

I've had success connecting my machine to internet with a 3G dongle with
connman and ofono recipes.
Ofono doesn't recognizes every dongle out of the box. I tried the ones I
had and only managed to connect to internet with a "hso" dongle (that would
be the name of the driver I think).
If you get lucky, a few hours playing with the dbus-send command and the
ofono documentation will get you there.
Connman will then switch flawlessly between your Cellular and your Ethernet
connections according to their availability.

Hope this helps.


Le mar. 19 avr. 2016 à 09:56, Ivan Ivanov <ivan.h.ivano...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> I'm working on a project and I use Intel Galileo Gen 2 with Yocto Project
> Linux. I use LAN to connect to Internet but I would want to connect to
> Internet with 3G USB modem.
> I tried using Sakis3g to connect my 3G USB modem with my Intel Galileo and
> use Internet through it. But I couldn't install it.
> I don't want to use any additional hardware or shields, only through
> software.
> Can you suggest and help me to create an Internet connection using 3G USB
> modem?
> Best regards,
> Ivan Ivanov
> --
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