
I am using a meta layer provided by a SOM manufacturer.  They have a recipe 
which sets:

inherit module

export KLIB="${D}"

and then its do_configure script calls make, and the Makefile expects 
$(KLIB_BUILD)/.config to exist, and the kernel headers to be in the same place.

This sometimes succeeds and sometimes fails, which I presume is to do with the 
order that the other entries in the run-queue are executed.

I thought that this might be because the dependency on the kernel .config and 
headers is not correctly recorded in the recipe.

I added a .bbappend file to the recipe in my own layer which contains:

do_configure[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"

But this has not resolved the problem.  I have used bitbake-layers to verify 
that my bbappend is being applied.

So my questions are:

Is $(KLIB_BUILD) the correct place to look for the kernel .config and headers?

What is the correct way to record the dependency in the recipe?

Why isn't this done in module.bbclass?  Wouldn't all modules depend on the 
kernel headers?

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