On Apr 13, 2016 3:05 PM, "Trevor Woerner" <twoer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed 2016-03-30 @ 04:35:47 PM, Petter Mabäcker wrote:
> > rpi-ft5406 is an enabler for Official Raspberry Pi 7 inch
> > touchscreen support.
> I have an official raspberry pi 7" touchscreen and it's not obvious to me
> I would go about enabling it in my config. If I had one of the others I
> simply add:
>         MACHINE_FEATURES += "pitft pitft22"
> or
>         MACHINE_FEATURES += "pitft pitft28r"
> to my conf/local.conf, but what do I do for the official touchscreen?
> Also, by trial and error I've discovered that my touchscreen comes up as
> /dev/fb0 and not /dev/fb1. But the xorg config for touchscreen support
> /dev/fb1. Am I doing something wrong in my build or can anyone think of a
> reason why my screen would be /dev/fb0 instead of /dev/fb1?
> By the way
>         MACHINE_FEATURES += "pitft pitft22"
> seems to work for me if I use /dev/fb0, but I'm not sure if that's a

Check the device trees. Are you using  4.1 kernel or some other
> Best regards,
>         Trevor
> --
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