On 03/08/2016 08:10 AM, Philip Balister wrote:
> On the Friday after ELC in San Diego (Yocto Project Dev Day is
> Thursday), we will have a developer meeting near the conference venue
> (need to double check with Jefro about exact location).

There are only 10 people signed up.

Is that enough people to justify the expense room or even meet?

- armin
> http://openembedded.org/wiki/OEDAM_2016
> At these meetings we try to follow an agenda we develop before hand on
> the wiki page. I've created a rough agenda by posting notes from the
> meeting in Dublin. Everyone, please go over the notes and add remarks
> for completed items.
> You can also bring up issues at the meeting. We only have one day
> scheduled for the meeting, so a little pre-planning helps keep us on time.
> Everyone involved in the project is welcome to attend, no how
> knowledgeable in the overall OpenEmbedded project We like to hear from
> people from many different use cases.
> Thanks,
> Philip
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