> I am trying to build latest poky version from upstream but it was failing
> in "gobject-introspection-data?".
> I disabled it with comments mentioned in:
> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/poky-contrib/commit/?id=8c14c746da1784c4bdaa621dde6fccd99e72ef1b
> by adding folloing line in config:
> MACHINE_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED = "gobject-introspection-data"
> Now gstreamer is throwing error for introspection.

Your log seems to say that gstreamer is at 1.6.0, and therefore is coming
from some other layer than oe-core (which has 1.6.3). Disabling
introspection in recipes by using MACHINE_FEATURES_BACKFILL_CONSIDERED
only works if those recipes inherit gobject-introspection class, and so
this is what you should do. Or migrate from your custom gstreamer recipes
to ones provided by oe-core, and then you don't have to disable anything
at all most likely, and you will gain ability to use gstreamer from Python
scripts, Vala or other runtimes.

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