> On Mar 14, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:
> On 03/14/2016 05:34 PM, K Richard Pixley wrote:
>> On 3/13/16 22:16 , Gary Thomas wrote:
>>> I'd like to to some testing that qemu just doesn't seem up to
>>> so I attempted to build a live ISO per the documentation. I
>>> added these lines to local.conf:
>>>  IMAGE_FSTYPES_genericx86 += "live"
>>>  NOISO_genericx86 = "0"
>>> When I try to build core-image-base I get this error:
>>>  ERROR: INITRD_IMAGE_LIVE core-image-minimal-initramfs cannot use image 
>>> live, hddimg or iso.
>>>  ERROR: Failed to parse recipe: 
>>> /local/poky-cutting-edge/meta/recipes-core/images/core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb
>>> I'm using a recent Poky checkout (d53413d3a8444c38a83ea37867c8af7754d8e702)
>>> Am I just doing something wrong here? I was following this section of the 
>>> mega-manual:
>>>  26.56. image-live.bbclass¶
>>>  The image-live class supports building "live" images.
>>>  Normally, you do not use this class directly. Instead, you add "live" to 
>>>  For example, if you were building an ISO image, you would add "live" to 
>>>  set the NOISO variable to "0" and the build system would use the 
>>> image-live class to
>>>  build the ISO image.
>>> I don't have any available hardware for this testing, so I thought
>>> I'd use VirtualBox.  Is this a reasonable approach?  I want to use
>>> a live ISO so I get a writable file system.  I tried just using the
>>> .hddimage but that doesn't boot with VirtualBox :-(
>>> To be clear, along with the additions above in local.conf, I tried:
>>>  $ MACHINE=genericx86 bitbake core-image-base
>>> Thanks for any ideas
>> You can boot the .hddimg on VirtualBox by first converting it to vdi, (or 
>> vmdk), using:
>> qemu-img convert -O vdi foo.hddimg foo.vdi
>> The vmdk doesn't seem to work for me on VMware, oddly.  And adding vmdk to 
>> IMAGE_FSTYPES doesn't seem to work either as
>> it is apparently built from hdddirect, (no clue why that's distinct from 
>> hddimg but it doesn't boot for me).
> Thanks.  I got the .vmdk to boot but I had to manually select
> the root device during boot to root=/dev/hda2.  After that, it
> worked as expected.

you can also set
SYSLINUX_ROOT = "root=/dev/hda2”
in some place in your configuration metadata

> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
> MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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