(i posted a much lengthier version of this on oe-core recently, but i want to cut it down and ask specific questions to clarify what i *think* is going on.)
i want to pull in an existing layer with recipes for linux-4.0.bb and linux-4.1.bb, and extend them with .bbappend files, to support two closely-related machines i'm defining -- call them "mach1" and "mach2". AFAICT, my patches will
fall somewhere in a 3x3 matrix of possibilities: * 3 possibilities of applying against mach1, mach2 or both * 3 possibilities of applying against linux-4.0, linux-4.1 or both so there's my 3x3 matrix. the obvious kernel recipe directory structure would be: linux/ linux-4.0.bbappend linux-4.1.bbappend linux-4.0/ [4.0-specific patches] linux-4.1/ [4.1-specific patches] linux/ [patches that apply to both] which suggests that both my .bbappend files would have to contain the line: FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${BP}:${THISDIR}/${BPN}" so the SRC_URI search path for linux-4.0.bbappend entries would be prepended with: * linux-4.0/ [4.0-specific patches] * linux/ [patches that apply to both] and similarly for linux.4.1.bbappend. how am i doing so far? this would mean that, for each recipe, the more specific directory would be searched before the general directory. but wait ... there's more. now i want to further categorize patches based on exclusive to mach1, exclusive to mach2, or applicable to both, and since the machine name is one of the entries in FILESOVERRIDES, i can extend the directory structure as: linux-4.0/ mach1/ mach2/ linux-4.1/ mach1/ mach2/ linux/ mach1/ mach2/ and there's my 3x3 matrix of patches, correct? and here's where it gets unclear. i really don't want to have to number all my patches with prefixes like 0001-, 0002- and so on, so what is the ordering of processing for .scc, .cfg and .patch/.diff files? rather than just lump all the patches into a single .scc file, i want to refine the patches across multiple .scc files. is there an imposed order on SRC_URI entries, .scc files and so on? that's probably all i need to finish this off. rday -- _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list yocto@yoctoproject.org https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto