Go ahead
On Feb 25, 2016 6:50 PM, "Paul Eggleton" <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com>

> Hi folks,
> So we've been gearing up the Toaster web UI to replace the Hob (GTK+
> based) UI
> for some time now; Hob has basically been on life support for the past few
> releases. As of late last month in master, Toaster has the capability to
> select the packages in an image, removing the last thing that Hob could do
> that Toaster couldn't. This means it's about time we looked at removing
> Hob -
> particularly if we want to do so for the upcoming 2.1 release as we should
> really do so within the M3 development timeframe which is almost over.
> To recap, the reasons why Hob ought to be removed include:
> - The code is tightly woven into BitBake, making it fragile. This means it
> needs significant QA and maintenance on an ongoing basis.
> - Some of the implementation is not ideal; we'll be able to remove some
> cruft
> from BitBake and OE-Core at the same time.
> - It's GTK+ 2 based, not the current GTK+ 3.
> - Toaster is now a much more capable UI and is being actively maintained
> I'm maintaining a list of things we would drop together with Hob, so I
> could
> probably come up with a patchset - I just wanted to give people a heads up
> and
> double check that this is something we indeed want to do in 2.1. Any
> comments?
> Cheers,
> Paul
> --
> Paul Eggleton
> Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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