This is a capture of the command-line ickiness that we have been
using to generate the basic release notes draft. It's frightfully ugly, but
gets the job done for now.

Signed-off-by: Graydon, Tracy <>
 bin/release_scripts/ | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 bin/release_scripts/

diff --git a/bin/release_scripts/ b/bin/release_scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a88f0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/release_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# NOTE! This script will blissfully clobber any pre-existing poky repos, 
+# previous release notes with same filename, etc. 
+# This is a quick and ugly script to generate the release notes draft.
+# Usage: ./ <release_ID> <rc#> <branch> <poky-ver>
+# i.e. ./ yocto-2.0.1 rc6 jethro 14.0.1
+# Currently the revision in the git log portion is hard coded. You 
+# will want to change accordingly! 
+# i.e. git log --pretty=format:"%s" yocto-2.0..HEAD |grep CVE >> $HOME/CVE;
+# Change the yocto-2.0 bit to whatever it needs to be for the given release.
+echo "REL_ID: $REL_ID"
+echo "RC: $RC"
+echo "AB_BASE: $AB_BASE"
+echo "DL_BASE: $DL_BASE"
+if [[ -e $HOME/RELEASENOTES.$RELEASE ]]; then
+if [[ -e $HOME/CVE ]]; then
+    rm -v $HOME/CVE
+if [[ -e $HOME/FIXES ]]; then
+    rm -v $HOME/FIXES
+if [[ -d $HOME/poky ]]; then
+    rm -rvf $HOME/poky
+for x in `ls $RELEASE_DIR/*.bz2.md5sum | grep -v "\-fsl" | grep -v "\-ppc"`; 
+   layer=`basename $x | sed 
+   tarball=`basename $x |sed 's/\.md5sum//g'`; 
+   ghash=`ls $RELEASE_DIR/$layer*.bz2 | grep -v $BRANCH | sed 
's/'"$layer"'-//g' | sed 's/.tar.bz2//g'`;
+   ghash=`basename $ghash`
+   echo "Release Name: " $layer-$BRANCH-$POKY_VER; 
+   echo "Branch: $BRANCH"; 
+   echo "Tag: $BRANCH-$POKY_VER"; 
+   echo "Hash: " $ghash; 
+   echo "md5: `cat $RELEASE_DIR/$tarball.md5sum`"; 
+   echo "Download Locations:"; 
+   echo "$RELEASE/$tarball";; 
+   echo "$RELEASE/$tarball";; echo ""; 
+git clone git://;
+cd poky; 
+git checkout $BRANCH; 
+echo -e "\n-------\nSecurity Fixes\n-------" >> $HOME/CVE;
+git log --pretty=format:"%s" yocto-2.0..HEAD |grep CVE >> $HOME/CVE; 
+echo -e "\n-------\nFixes\n-------" >> $HOME/FIXES; 
+git log --pretty=format:"%s" yocto-2.0..HEAD |grep -v CVE >> $HOME/FIXES; 
+cd $HOME

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