[Re: [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCH] swig is in meta-oe, remove this copy] On 
16.02.22 (Mon 15:58) Burton, Ross wrote:

> On 22 February 2016 at 15:33, Joe MacDonald <joe_macdon...@mentor.com> wrote:
>     I'm also not against removing the local copy (I don't think it adds
>     anything to the layer and occasionally causes headaches), but I really
>     don't want to make meta-selinux dependent on meta-oe components, so I
>     guess I'm voting for keeping it.
> Luckily it's also in oe-core (meta/recipes-devtools/swig/swig_3.0.8.bb).

And, y'know what?  I thought I'd had this very conversation with Armin
regarding it being in meta-security ages back, but since swig was still
in meta-selinux and Radzy mentioned it's also still in meta-oe, I
assumed it must've been some other package duplicated between
meta-selinux and meta-security (libcap-ng, perhaps?).

So with that, let's say my only concern no longer applies.  :-)

-Joe MacDonald.

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