I hit this issue experimenting with disabling ipv6, as Todd did originally, 
with an odd error about not being able to build the native sdk.
It's not a problem for me but is there a recommended way for disabling a libc 
distro feature like ipv6 without creating a whole new distro?  Does libc really 
require ipv6?  I can see it's the features in DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC that are 
For the purposes of this experiment I added to local.conf to get it 
working:DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "ipv6"DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC_remove = "ipv6"
But I expect I will create a new distro at some point.
On Tuesday 27 October 2015 08:45:26 Burton, Ross wrote:> On 26 October 2015 at 
20:16, Todd Efflam <todd.efflam at gmail.com> wrote:> > Thanks for the tip.  We 
tried adding this to the local.conf file but> > it failed with the following 
error:> > ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'glibc'> > ERROR: glibc was skipped: missing 
required distro feature 'ipv6' (not> > in DISTRO_FEATURES)> > Ouch.  That's 
surely not right.> > The commit that introduced this was:> > commit 
97899bc908a421295d814801ff86edeb9304d2fd> Author: Chen Qi <Qi.Chen at 
windriver.com>> Date:   Thu Jul 3 11:23:42 2014 +0800> >     eglibc: check for 
required distro features> >     If users accidently override the 
DISTRO_FEATURES in local.conf,>     then build failures occur for lack of libc 
functions.> >     All features in DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC should be in 
DISTRO_FEATURES.>     That's why this patch let the recipe inherit 
distro_features_check>     class and set REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES to 
"${DISTRO_FEATURES_LIBC}".> >     [YOCTO #6381]> > But the entire point of the 
logic in glibc-options is to make these> options, well, optional.> > It looks 
like the required_distro_features use in eglibc is misguided.  Can> you comment 
out the REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES assignment in glibc.inc and> verify that it 
then builds fine without ipv6 enabled?
Ah yes, I meant to get back to this at some point as I didn't really like how 
this was fixed previously either (see 
https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6381 for details of the 
problem). It seems to me that we should:
1) Fix the glibc recipes so that they handle an empty libc configuration or 
error out much earlier with a sensible message if that's not possible
2) Properly detect when DISTRO_FEATURES has been "zapped" via += in local.conf 
or elsewhere and show an error/warning about that.
Paul EggletonIntel Open Source Technology Centre
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