On 03.02.2016 11:28, EXT Burton, Ross wrote:
On 3 February 2016 at 10:13, Woronicz, Bartosz ( NSN - PL/Wroclaw) 
<bartosz.woron...@nokia.com <mailto:bartosz.woron...@nokia.com>> wrote:
    Let's say I have my package at


    I would like to have symlink created

        host-64/tmp/work/x86_64-poky-linux/mypackage/latest -> 1.2.3-r4/

    each time the new version is fetched and unpacked. How can I
    achieve that ? Which class, task should I append, extend ?

One way would be to create a new task that comes after unpack and creates the symlink.
You may be interested in the rm_old_work class that can remove old 
work trees so there's only ever one work tree, and I believe due to 
how master does sysroot cleanup there's only ever one version in work/ 
But I need to the sysroot cleanup deliberately, right ?


Kind regards,
Bartosz Woronicz
Engineer, Software Configuration (SCM)
NSN - PL/Wroclaw

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