If you are planning to attend the Embedded Linux Conference in San
Diego this April, I wanted to let you know about the Yocto Project
Developer Day that the team is planning. This will be similar to
previous DevDays, with hands-on training in both introductory and
advanced tracks. The day will happen just after ELC, on April 7 at the
Marriott in downtown San Diego, just across from the ELC venue. We'll
have more details posted later this week.

The project is also a sponsor for the event and we will have a booth.
If you have something cool that you have been working on and would
like to show it off in the booth during the conference, let me know
and we'll see what we can do to make some space for your project.

For those also in the OpenEmbedded community, there will be an OE
developer's meeting and working session on Friday, April 8. This is a
working session for OE members (not an educational session, sorry!)
and space is limited, so if you plan to attend, please let me know so
I can plan space accordingly.


Jeff Osier-Mixon
Open Source Community Architect, Intel Corporation
yocto mailing list

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