> On Jan 14, 2016, at 1:58 AM, RayBloodworth <k870818...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi, everyone
>    I'm using the dizzy branch of freescale yocto project to build image. When 
> do_rootfs is done, I found that package "base-files" wasn't the first order 
> of installation.
>    Since I want do some modify like "/bin -> /usr/bin" in "base-files", 
> package "base-files" must be the first order of installation.
>    Could anyone help me with this issue?

There is a separate thread going on about merging /usr and /
I am not sure what you want to do but symlinking /bin and /usr/bin might 
involve more that
just post processing.

> Best regards,
> Ray
> --
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