>Please note there is a security page on the wiki:


>and there is a security list at:


>The list isn't very active, but it should be copied on all security
discussions. If you are interested you should be subscribed to this list.

>If I hadn't read the email, I wouldn't have realized this was about
security issues.

Well, security is just an example use-case, but the question is generic,
that's why I asked on yocto list. 

Best Regards,

On 01/14/2016 02:43 AM, Reshetova, Elena wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a small question about "exceptional" names of packages in yocto/OE.
> Kernel package is being one example with the name "linux-yocto" vs.
> traditional "linux_kernel". 
> Are there more such yocto-specific packages (of course excluding FW 
> and other bsp-related packages)? A look over the package list didn't 
> reveal any, but I wanted to double check.
> The reason I am asking is that in case when we try to determine the 
> package CVEs against the NVD database, in these particular exception 
> cases, we probably want to check not only "linux-yocto", but also 
> "linux_kernel" open package CVEs with regards to specified version to 
> make sure we cover as much as we can.
> Best Regards,
> Elena.

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