Hi Jussi,

Thanks for the feedback, comments below...


On 01/13/2016 07:42 AM, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11 January 2016 at 06:21, <a...@auh.yoctoproject.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You are receiving this email because you are the maintainer
>> of *gpgme* recipe and this is to let you know that the automatic attempt
>> to upgrade the recipe to *1.6.0* has Succeeded.
> First, thanks for the effort Anibal, the upgrade helper is looking very
> useful: I'm certainly going to use it.
> Couple of small issues:
> * The license diffs do not seem correct: they look like like diffs between
> an empty file and the new license file version (see the parent gpgme post
> for example)

Yes i see, i'll review/fix the problem.

> * Is the decision to use "buildhistory-diff -a" intentional? I'm not 100%
> sure what exactly "-a" option brings with it but I've usually avoided it on
> upgrades because the path changes in  -dbg package are so verbose as to
> hide everything else...

It was mine decision for provide more output for the maintainers but if
you think that's enough without -a that's ok.

May be a good idea will be to sent two files one,

        - buildhistory-diff.txt: Without -a.
        - buildhistory-diff-all.txt: With -a/


> Thanks,
>   Jussi
>> *LICENSE CHANGED* please review the gpgme.h.in.diff file and update the
>> variable in the recipe if is needed.
>> The recipe has been successfully compiled for machines qemux86,
>> qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemumips, qemuppc.
>> Next steps:
>>     - apply the patch: git am 0001-gpgme-upgrade-to-1.6.0.patch
>>     - check that required upstream patches have not been commented from
>> the recipe,
>>       if upstream patches were commented the reason is specified in the
>> commit message.
>>     - compile an image that contains the package
>>     - perform some basic sanity tests
>>     - amend the patch and sign it off: git commit -s --reset-author --amend
>>     - send it to the list
>> Attached are the patch, license diff (if change) and bitbake log.
>> Any problem please contact Anibal Limon <anibal.li...@intel.com>.
>> Regards,
>> The Upgrade Helper
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