Hi All,
My earlier build included VLC and FireFox.
meta-yocto-bsp = "fido:0f8d89ce66cfffccc9911d6c61470a585173b79d"
meta-raspberrypi = "master:7457bf182c8fd550ec877ecd786a3edd16e65495"
meta-gnome = "fido:0f8d89ce66cfffccc9911d6c61470a585173b79d"
These were pulled a day ago.
I upgraded to the following and now VLC & FireFox causes errors
meta-yocto-bsp = "master:dd282d475cb4fde4f4e6fd7afe437dc001584587"
meta-raspberrypi = "master:f2cff839f52a6e6211337fc45c7c3eabf0fac113"
meta-gnome = "master:dd282d475cb4fde4f4e6fd7afe437dc001584587"
meta-browser = "master:ca96f4326345dcd779fc539877a04f069f431749"
Since VLC & FireFox depend on gtk+3-3.18.2 In the above repos.
They fail in do_configure when I add to IMAGE_INSTALL_append
in my local.conf file.
These are the what I added in added local.conf
#MACHINE ??= "qemux86"
MACHINE ??= "raspberrypi2"
GPU_MEM = "16"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/egl ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgles2 ?= "vc-graphics-hardfp"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg = "libjpeg-turbo"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_jpeg-native = "libjpeg-turbo-native"
#adding the XSTOOLs depends
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " xterm git \
intelhex python-bitstring pyusb PyPubSub xstools \
chkconfig v4l-utils python-imaging socat lame \
linux-firmware jasper gsl hexedit man iproute2 \
gperf tree cmake tar pv openjpeg squashfs-tools \
rsync yasm gparted tcl tk rpi-gpio geany python-pip iputils \
opencv opencv-samples opencv-apps python-opencv devmem2 \
#DL_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/downloads"
DL_DIR ?= "/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/downloads"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks dev-pkgs tools-sdk doc-pkgs qt4-pkgs"
This what is in bblayers.conf
# LAYER_CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/bblayers.conf
# changes incompatibly
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-yocto \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-yocto-bsp \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-raspberrypi \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-oe \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-python \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-multimedia \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-gnome \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-browser \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta \
/home/vidal/wkg/yocto/kernel_test/poky/meta-yocto \
Any and all help is appreciated.
This is the goal of the build.
Transferred to my google dropbox core-image-sato120815.zip
If you do not access let me know and I will add you to share list.
The sha1sum should be the following:
12dc5b4e9cb737696b71c6502ffd095f5a896720 core-image-sato120815.zip
In the file sha1sum.txt
1.4 GB (1,449,293,907 bytes)
This is what I used to transfer to a micro SD card.
"gzip -dc /home/vidal/wkg/yocto/core-image-sato120815.zip | pv | dd bs=16M
3.64GB 0:08:01 [7.74MB/s]
The root passwd is raspberrypi
This will fit on 4GB micro SD card.
Provides the Linux 4.1.10 Kernel, git, gcc-5.2.0, OpenCV, Myhdl, Iverilog,
gsl, yosys, arachne-pnr, CAT-Board, rhea, Xstools and Gtkwave.
CAT-Board Features
* Lattice iCE40-HX8K FPGA in 256-pin BGA.
* 32 MByte SDRAM (16M x 16).
* Serial configuration flash (at least 2 Mbit).
* Three Grove connectors.
* Two PMOD connectors.
* One 20x2 header with 3.3V, ground and 18 FPGA I/Os.
* Two SATA headers (for differential signals; don't know if they would work
with SATA HDDs.)
* DIP switch with four SPST switches.
* Two momentary pushbuttons.
* Four LEDs.
* 100 MHz oscillator.
* 5.0 V jack for external power supply.
* 3.3 V and 1.2 V regulators.
* Adjustable voltage on one bank of FPGA I/O pins.
* 32 KByte HAT EEPROM.
* 40-pin RPi GPIO header.
See Driving an Array of LED Digits with the CAT Board at
The prototype has been tested with Yocto & RaspBian on RPi2B.
With these tools, this combo is a complete development system, to develop, test
and program
FPGA applications completly on the RPi2B and CAT-Board.
The schematic is available at
This should be around the cost as the StickIt-MB & XulA2-LX9. Dave will be
finalizing the price soon.
The led digit provides a good method to test the CAT-Board and RPi2B.
see xess.com
Edward Vidal Jr. e-mail devel...@sbcglobal.net 915-595-1613
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