I suggest that you do an "bitbake -fc configure YOUR_KERNEL" and
inspect the .config WORKDIR folder. Is that yours .config?


2015-10-27 2:46 GMT-02:00 Edward Wingate <edwinga...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 1:03 AM, Paul Eggleton
> <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> Kernel modules are packaged separately and typically not included in the 
>> image
>> by default; if you wish to include them you have two choices:
>> 1) Install the kernel-module-<modulename> package(s) individually for the
>> module(s) you wish to use
>> 2) Install the kernel-modules package to bring in all packages for modules 
>> you
>> enabled in the kernel configuration.
> Thanks Paul,
> "kernel-modules" worked to include all the modules. But I also figured
> out I was using "kernel-module-ftdi_sio" instead of the correct
> "kernel-module-ftdi-sio" (and because I was using
> Now to go back to the original problem of why my defconfig is being 
> overridden.

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  Yoda Master
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