Hi Philip,

[Re: [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCHv2 6/8] e2fsprogs: Copy xattr block from 
source file.] On 15.09.05 (Sat 10:59) Philip Tricca wrote:

> Hey Joe,
> Any thoughts on this? It looks like since my patch set went into master
> the meta-selinux build is broken for a number of build hosts (anything
> w/o linux-libc-headers). I think Jackie and I have worked out a solution
> but it's waiting for a maintainer to merge (or reject).
> I hate to think I'm breaking builds for some folks but we've made as
> much progress as we can w/o a maintainer getting involved. Any help you
> can provide would be appreciated.

Sure thing, I had been watching for this but it got lost in my inbox
somehow, so I appreciate the follow-up on it.  I'm hoping to have the
meta-selinux patchwork in place very soon, so we're less dependent on
proper care and feeding of our respective mailboxes.  In the meantime,
I'm working through the meta-selinux queue right now (at least
everything I can put my hands on).  I expect I'll be through it by the
end of the day, so if something's not go some kind of response by
tomorrow, it's fair to assume it's been lost and a re-send would be
helpful.  Of course, if the plan changes between now and sundown, I'll
follow up again with a new ETA.  :-)


> Thanks,
> Philip
> On 08/23/2015 10:27 PM, Huang, Jie (Jackie) wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Philip Tricca [mailto:fl...@twobit.us]
> >> Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 6:25 AM
> >> To: Huang, Jie (Jackie)
> >> Cc: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> >> Subject: Re: [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCHv2 6/8] e2fsprogs: Copy xattr 
> >> block from source file.
> >>
> >> Hello Jackie,
> >>
> >> On 08/20/2015 11:25 PM, Huang, Jie (Jackie) wrote:
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org
> >>>> [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On Behalf Of Philip Tricca
> >>>> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 6:31 AM
> >>>> To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
> >>>> Subject: [yocto] [meta-selinux][PATCHv2 6/8] e2fsprogs: Copy xattr block 
> >>>> from source file.
> >>>>
> >>>> Signed-off-by: Philip Tricca <fl...@twobit.us>
> >>>> ---
> >>>>  .../e2fsprogs/misc-xattr-create-xattr-block.patch  | 341 
> >>>> +++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>  .../e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bbappend            |   1 +
> >>>>  2 files changed, 342 insertions(+)
> >>>>  create mode 100644
> >>>> recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs/misc-xattr-create-xattr-block.pa
> >>>> tch
> >>>>
> >>>> diff --git
> >>>> a/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs/misc-xattr-create-xattr-block.
> >>>> patch b/recipes-
> >>>> devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs/misc-xattr-create-xattr-block.patch
> >>>> new file mode 100644
> >>>> index 0000000..5955b44
> >>>> --- /dev/null
> >>>> +++ b/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs/misc-xattr-create-xattr-bl
> >>>> +++ ock
> >>>> +++ .patch
> >>>> @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
> >>>> +To build the xattr disk block we process the output from listxattr
> >>>> +and lgetxattr from the source file system object. This data is
> >>>> +formated in a disk block according to the format specified in the 
> >>>> kernel ext2 file system driver.
> >>>> +See the comment block at the beginning of fs/ext2/xattr.c for details.
> >>>> +
> >>>> +Currently we only process attributes with the 'security.' prefix as
> >>>> +our use case is SELinux labels and IMA. Additional prefixes can
> >>>> +likely be supported with minimal effort but none have been tested.
> >>>> +
> >>>> +Once the xattr block has been created it is written to disk. The
> >>>> +xattr block is associated with the appropriate file system object
> >>>> +through the i_file_acl inode member and the inode is updated on disk.
> >>>> +
> >>>> +Signed-off-by: Philip Tricca <fl...@twobit.us>
> >>>> +
> >>>> +Index: e2fsprogs-1.42.9/misc/xattr.c
> >>>> +===================================================================
> >>>> +--- e2fsprogs-1.42.9.orig/misc/xattr.c
> >>>> ++++ e2fsprogs-1.42.9/misc/xattr.c
> >>>> +@@ -1,6 +1,23 @@
> >>>> + #include "xattr.h"
> >>>> +
> >>>> ++#include <attr/xattr.h>
> >>>> ++#include <ctype.h>
> >>>> ++#include <errno.h>
> >>>> ++#include <ext2fs/ext2_ext_attr.h>
> >>>> ++#include <linux/xattr.h>
> >>>> ++#include <stdint.h>
> >>>> + #include <stdio.h>
> >>>> ++#include <stdlib.h>
> >>>> ++#include <string.h>
> >>>> ++#include <sys/stat.h>
> >>>> ++#include <sys/types.h>
> >>>> ++#include <unistd.h>
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y)) #define HEADER(ptr)
> >>>> ++((struct ext2_ext_attr_header *)(ptr)) #define ENTRY(ptr)  ((struct
> >>>> ++ext2_ext_attr_entry *)(ptr)) #define FIRST_ENTRY(ptr)
> >>>> ++ENTRY(HEADER(ptr) + 1) #define VALUE(hdr, ent) (((char*)hdr) +
> >>>> ++(ent->e_value_offs))
> >>>> +
> >>>> + #ifdef XATTR_DEBUG
> >>>> + #define XATTR_STDERR(fmt, args...) fprintf (stderr, fmt, ##args) @@
> >>>> +-8,6 +25,28 @@  #define XATTR_STDERR(fmt, args...) do {} while (0)
> >>>> +#endif
> >>>> +
> >>>> ++/* structure for mapping xattr name prefix data */ typedef struct
> >>>> ++xattr_prefix {
> >>>> ++       int index;
> >>>> ++       char *name;
> >>>> ++       size_t length;
> >>>> ++} xattr_prefix_t;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++xattr_prefix_t xattr_prefixes [] = {
> >>>> ++/* Only interested in security prefix. Can support others though.
> >>>> ++       {
> >>>> ++               .index = EXT2_XATTR_INDEX_USER,
> >>>> ++               .name = XATTR_USER_PREFIX,
> >>>> ++               .length = XATTR_USER_PREFIX_LEN,
> >>>> ++       },
> >>>> ++*/
> >>>> ++       {
> >>>> ++               .index = EXT2_XATTR_INDEX_SECURITY,
> >>>> ++               .name = XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX,
> >>>> ++               .length = XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX_LEN,
> >>>
> >>> Hi Philip,
> >>>
> >>> This cause build errors on some host OS when building e2fsprogs-native:
> >>>
> >>> | 
> >>> /build/yp/y_x64_150821/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/e2fsprogs-native/1.42.9-r0/e2fsprogs-
> >> 1.42.9/debugfs/../misc/xattr.c:62:11: error: 'XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX' 
> >> undeclared here (not in a
> >> function)
> >>> |    .name = XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX,
> >>> |            ^
> >>> | 
> >>> /build/yp/y_x64_150821/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/e2fsprogs-native/1.42.9-r0/e2fsprogs-
> >> 1.42.9/debugfs/../misc/xattr.c:63:13: error: 'XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX_LEN' 
> >> undeclared here (not in a
> >> function)
> >>> |    .length = XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX_LEN,
> >>> |              ^
> >>>
> >>> I did some investigate and found that your patch needs the header
> >>> linux/xattr.h, which is provided by linux-libc-headers, but for
> >>> -native package, there is no linux-libc-headers-native, so it search
> >>> the one from host OS, but the problem is, there is no 
> >>> XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX definition in the
> >> linux/xattr.h on some host OS like: SUSE 11.x, centos 6, etc.
> >>>
> >>> I'm not sure if your patch is really needed by the e2fsprogs-native,
> >>> if not, I think we can make this patch only apply for target package.
> >>> If yes, you may need to make it avoid the dependency on host's header or 
> >>> you may have a better
> >> idea about this.
> >>
> >> I took a look at this yesterday. Creating a bbappend for 
> >> linux-libc-headers and adding 'native' to
> >> BBCLASSEXTEND seems like the most direct fix. Add a new dependency to the 
> >> e2fsprogs package and I
> >> think the issue is resolved. I'll send patches to the list and if you're 
> >> willing to test them I'd appreciate it.
> > 
> > I tested with your patch and it works fine, thanks!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Jackie
> > 
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Philip
> >>
> >>>> ++       },
> >>>> ++       { 0 },
> >>>> ++};
> >>>> +
> >>>> + /* Free remaining resources after all files have been processed. */
> >>>> +void @@ -16,6 +55,211 @@ xattr_cleanup ()
> >>>> +        XATTR_STDERR ("Cleaning up resources from xattrs.\n");  }
> >>>> +
> >>>> ++/* Get value for named xattr from file at path.
> >>>> ++ * Returns pointer to allocated block for value and length in length 
> >>>> param.
> >>>> ++ * If no value, return NULL pointer and length of 0.
> >>>> ++ * On error return NULL pointer and length set to -1.
> >>>> ++ */
> >>>> ++static char*
> >>>> ++xattr_get_value (const char *path, const char *name, ssize_t
> >>>> ++*length) {
> >>>> ++       char *value = NULL;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       *length = lgetxattr (path, name, NULL, 0);
> >>>> ++       if (*length == -1) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "lgetattr");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (*length == 0) {
> >>>> ++               fprintf (stderr, "xattr %s has value length 0\n", name);
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       value = calloc (1, *length);
> >>>> ++       if (value == NULL) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "calloc");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       *length = lgetxattr (path, name, value, *length);
> >>>> ++       if (*length == -1) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "lgetattr");
> >>>> ++               goto value_err;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++out:
> >>>> ++       return value;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++value_err:
> >>>> ++       if (value)
> >>>> ++               free (value);
> >>>> ++       return NULL;
> >>>> ++}
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++/* Get all attribute names for file at path. Return pointer to
> >>>> ++allocated memory
> >>>> ++ * block holding all names and the length through parameter size.
> >>>> ++ * If no xattrs: return NULL and set size to 0
> >>>> ++ * If error: return NULL and set size to -1  */ static char*
> >>>> ++xattr_get_names (const char *path, ssize_t *size) {
> >>>> ++       char *names = NULL;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       *size = llistxattr (path, NULL, 0);
> >>>> ++       if (*size == -1) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "llistxattr");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (*size == 0) {
> >>>> ++               /* no xattrs */
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       names = calloc (1, *size);
> >>>> ++       if (names == NULL) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "calloc");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       *size = llistxattr (path, names, *size);
> >>>> ++       if (*size == -1) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "llistxattr");
> >>>> ++               goto cleanup;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (*size == 0) {
> >>>> ++               fprintf (stdout, "Conflicting data, no xattrs for file: 
> >>>> %s\n", path);
> >>>> ++               goto cleanup;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++out:
> >>>> ++       return names;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++cleanup:
> >>>> ++       if (names)
> >>>> ++               free (names);
> >>>> ++       return NULL;
> >>>> ++}
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++/* return pointer to next string in xattr name block, don't go
> >>>> ++beyond length  */ static inline char* next_name (char *name, size_t 
> >>>> length) {
> >>>> ++       int i = 0;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
> >>>> ++               if (name [i] == '\0') {
> >>>> ++                       ++i;
> >>>> ++                       break;
> >>>> ++               }
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       return name + i;
> >>>> ++}
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++/* Find entry in xattr_table with matching prefix. */ static const
> >>>> ++xattr_prefix_t* xattr_find_prefix (char *name, size_t length) {
> >>>> ++       int i = 0;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       XATTR_STDERR ("find_attr_data: searching for prefix from xattr 
> >>>> name: %s\n", name);
> >>>> ++       for (i = 0; xattr_prefixes[i].index != 0; ++i) {
> >>>> ++               if (!strncmp (name, xattr_prefixes[i].name, MIN 
> >>>> (length, xattr_prefixes[i].length))) {
> >>>> ++                       XATTR_STDERR ("found match in table with index: 
> >>>> %d\n",
> >>>> xattr_prefixes[i].index);
> >>>> ++                       return &xattr_prefixes[i];
> >>>> ++               }
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       return NULL;
> >>>> ++}
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++/* Query file at path for attributes. build up structure the file
> >>>> ++system
> >>>> ++ * expects of an extended attribute disk block (header parameter).
> >>>> ++ *
> >>>> ++ * The main loop walks through the xattr names one at a time. It
> >>>> ++gets the value
> >>>> ++ * for each named xattr and copies the data into the xattr block
> >>>> ++pointed to by
> >>>> ++ * the header parameter. To do this the loop also tracks the
> >>>> ++location of the
> >>>> ++ * associated entry and value. Values start at the end of the
> >>>> ++buffer and grow
> >>>> ++ * back towards the header while the entries start immediately
> >>>> ++after the header
> >>>> ++ * and grow towards the end of the block.
> >>>> ++ *
> >>>> ++ * See the comment block at the beginning of the xattr.c file in
> >>>> ++the
> >>>> ++ext2 file
> >>>> ++ * system code in the kernel: fs/ext2/xattr.c
> >>>> ++ * Assume the xattr block pointed to by header parameter is 
> >>>> initialized to 0s.
> >>>> ++ */
> >>>> ++static int
> >>>> ++xattr_build_block (const char *path,
> >>>> ++               struct ext2_ext_attr_header **header,
> >>>> ++               size_t header_length)
> >>>> ++{
> >>>> ++       struct ext2_ext_attr_entry *entry = NULL;
> >>>> ++       char *names = NULL, *value = NULL, *name_curr = NULL;
> >>>> ++       ssize_t names_length = 0, value_length = 0;
> >>>> ++       size_t name_length = 0, value_index = 0, len_rem = 0;
> >>>> ++       const xattr_prefix_t *prefix = NULL;
> >>>> ++       int ret = 0;
> >>>> ++
> >>>> ++       XATTR_STDERR ("xattr_build_block for file: %s\n", path);
> >>>> ++       *header = NULL;
> >>>> ++       names = xattr_get_names (path, &names_length);
> >>>> ++       if (names == NULL) {
> >>>> ++               // no xattrs for file @ path or error
> >>>> ++               ret = names_length;
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       *header = calloc (1, header_length);
> >>>> ++       if (*header == NULL) {
> >>>> ++               com_err (__func__, errno, "calloc");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       (*header)->h_magic = EXT2_EXT_ATTR_MAGIC;
> >>>> ++       (*header)->h_blocks = 1;
> >>>> ++       /* Values start at end of buffer. NOTE: It must be moved before 
> >>>> a value can
> >>>> ++        * be stored.
> >>>> ++        */
> >>>> ++       value_index = header_length;
> >>>> ++       for (name_curr = names, entry = FIRST_ENTRY(*header), len_rem = 
> >>>> names_length;
> >>>> ++               name_curr < names + names_length;
> >>>> ++               len_rem = names_length - (name_curr - names),
> >>>> ++                       name_curr = next_name (name_curr, len_rem),
> >>>> ++                       entry = EXT2_EXT_ATTR_NEXT(entry))
> >>>> ++       {
> >>>> ++               XATTR_STDERR ("xattr_build_block: processing xattr with 
> >>>> name %s\n", name_curr);
> >>>> ++               name_length = strnlen (name_curr, len_rem);
> >>>> ++               prefix = xattr_find_prefix (name_curr, name_length);
> >>>> ++               if (!prefix) {
> >>>> ++                       fprintf (stderr, "Don't currently handle xattr: 
> >>>> %s\n", name_curr);
> >>>> ++                       continue;
> >>>> ++               }
> >>>> ++               value = xattr_get_value (path, name_curr, 
> >>>> &value_length);
> >>>> ++               if (value == NULL) {
> >>>> ++                       // no xattr value or error
> >>>> ++                       fprintf (stderr, "failed to get value, 
> >>>> skipping\n");
> >>>> ++                       goto next;
> >>>> ++               }
> >>>> ++               /* setup offsets and lengths for name and value */
> >>>> ++               entry->e_name_len = name_length - prefix->length;
> >>>> ++               entry->e_name_index = prefix->index;
> >>>> ++               /* Can't know these till we know the length of the 
> >>>> value. */
> >>>> ++               entry->e_value_offs = value_index -= 
> >>>> EXT2_EXT_ATTR_SIZE(value_length);
> >>>> ++               entry->e_value_size = value_length;
> >>>> ++               /* Check to be sure entry name and value don't overlap 
> >>>> before copy. */
> >>>> ++               if (EXT2_EXT_ATTR_NAME(entry) + entry->e_name_len > 
> >>>> VALUE(*header, entry)) {
> >>>> ++                       fprintf (stderr, "xattr entry name and value 
> >>>> overlap! Too much xattr data.");
> >>>> ++                       ret = -1;
> >>>> ++                       goto out;
> >>>> ++               }
> >>>> ++               /* copy name and value data then calculate the hash */
> >>>> ++               memcpy (EXT2_EXT_ATTR_NAME(entry),
> >>>> ++                       name_curr + prefix->length,
> >>>> ++                       entry->e_name_len);
> >>>> ++               memcpy (VALUE(*header, entry), value, 
> >>>> entry->e_value_size);
> >>>> ++               entry->e_hash = ext2fs_ext_attr_hash_entry (entry, 
> >>>> VALUE(*header,
> >>>> ++entry));
> >>>> ++next:
> >>>> ++               if (value)
> >>>> ++                       free (value);
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       XATTR_STDERR ("xattr_build_block: done building xattr 
> >>>> buffer\n");
> >>>> ++out:
> >>>> ++       if (names)
> >>>> ++               free (names);
> >>>> ++       return ret;
> >>>> ++}
> >>>> ++
> >>>> + /* This is the entry point to the xattr module. This function
> >>>> +copies the xattrs
> >>>> +  * from the file at 'path' to the file system object at 'ino'.
> >>>> +  *
> >>>> +@@ -28,7 +272,56 @@ errcode_t
> >>>> + set_inode_xattr (ext2_filsys fs, ext2_ino_t ino, const char *path)  {
> >>>> +        errcode_t ret = 0;
> >>>> ++       char *buf = NULL;
> >>>> ++       struct ext2_inode inode = { 0 };
> >>>> ++       blk_t block = 0;
> >>>> ++       struct ext2_ext_attr_header *header = NULL;
> >>>> ++       uint32_t newcount = 0;
> >>>> +
> >>>> +        XATTR_STDERR ("Copying xattrs from %s to inode 0x%x.\n", path,
> >>>> + ino);
> >>>> ++       /* Populate the xattr block for the file at path */
> >>>> ++       if (ret = xattr_build_block (path, &header, fs->blocksize)) {
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (header == NULL) {
> >>>> ++               XATTR_STDERR ("set_inode_xattrs: no xattrs for %s\n", 
> >>>> path);
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_read_inode (fs, ino, &inode)) {
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_read_inode");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_alloc_block (fs, 0, NULL, &block)) {
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_alloc_block: returned 
> >>>> %d", ret);
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       ext2fs_mark_block_bitmap2 (fs->block_map, block);
> >>>> ++       XATTR_STDERR ("writing xattr block 0x%x to disk:\n", block);
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_write_ext_attr (fs, block, header)) {
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_write_ext_attr: returned 
> >>>> %d", ret);
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       /* point inode for current file to xattr block, update block 
> >>>> count and
> >>>> ++        * write inode to disk
> >>>> ++        */
> >>>> ++       inode.i_file_acl = block;
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_adjust_ea_refcount2(fs,
> >>>> ++                                       block,
> >>>> ++                                       (char*)header,
> >>>> ++                                       1,
> >>>> ++                                       &newcount))
> >>>> ++       {
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_adjust_ea_refcount");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_iblk_add_blocks (fs, &inode, 1)) {
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_iblk_add_blocks failed");
> >>>> ++               goto out;
> >>>> ++       }
> >>>> ++       if (ret = ext2fs_write_inode (fs, ino, &inode))
> >>>> ++               com_err(__func__, ret, "ext2fs_write_inode: returned 
> >>>> %d", ret);
> >>>> ++out:
> >>>> ++       if (header)
> >>>> ++               free (header);
> >>>> +        return ret;
> >>>> + }
> >>>> diff --git a/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bbappend
> >>>> b/recipes- devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bbappend
> >>>> index a4576b1..edc94d8 100644
> >>>> --- a/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bbappend
> >>>> +++ b/recipes-devtools/e2fsprogs/e2fsprogs_1.42.9.bbappend
> >>>> @@ -4,4 +4,5 @@ SRC_URI += " \
> >>>>      file://misc-xattr-add-xattr-module-stub.patch \
> >>>>      file://mke2fs.c-create_inode.c-copy-xattrs.patch \
> >>>>      file://lib-ext2fs-ext2_ext_attr.h-add-xattr-index.patch \
> >>>> +    file://misc-xattr-create-xattr-block.patch \
> >>>>  "
> >>>> --
> >>>> 2.1.4
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>> yocto mailing list
> >>>> yocto@yoctoproject.org
> >>>> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/listinfo/yocto
> > 

-Joe MacDonald.

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