Last night the AB ran out of space towards the end of its build run.
We had to kick rc2 again. It is currently still running and will be
located at:

I realise the naming is odd. I'm ensuring that that doesn't happen
again. I'll need some time on Monday to push some AB changes out to
make it so that this all occurs from dropdown selection.

One other thing that will be pushed out on Monday is a selector box
for publishing artifacts. My guess is that most mut/master-next builds
don't need artifacts published. If you run builds on the AB, please be
aware of this checkbox, as the AB cleanup scripts take a while and
sometimes we publish artifacts faster than it can cleanup. I'm going
to default it to Publish for now, but will be watching to ensure
people are using it.

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
yocto mailing list

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