Hello Leonardo,

On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 10:40:10AM -0500, Leonardo Sandoval wrote:
> On 07/08/2015 09:50 AM, Klaus Knopper wrote:
> >Hello list,
> >
> >I'm trying to build variantions/brands of an image that only differ in
> >kernel configuration and kernel modules included, but everything else stays
> >the same, for the exact same board, as in the main image.
> >
> >Setting PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "different_kernel"
> >right inside in the new image recipe does not have any effect, as that
> >variable seems to be evaluated exclusively in the local.conf machine
> >file, which is read by all recipes.
> This variable is commonly used inside configuration metadata (machine or
> distro conf files). You may try it there.

Please help me to understand your answer: You are saying that I do have
to change the machine or distro config used for ALL recipes, to be able
to use a different kernel configuration in ONE recipe, right?

I was really trying to avoid that. :-(

So it is really not possible to just select a different kernel config
within a normal recipe without changing the global configuration?

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