This mail was sent out by Recipe reporting system.

This message list those recipes which need to be upgraded. If maintainers
believe some of them needn't to upgrade this time, they can fill in
RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON_pn-"xxx" in upstream_tracking files to ignore this
recipe remainder until newer upstream version was detected.

RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON_pn-"xxx" = "Not upgrade to 2.0 is unstable"

You can check the detail information at:

Package               Version          Upstream version      Maintainer         
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------  
-------------------  ------------------------------
nfs-utils             1.3.1            1.3.2                 Alejandro Hernandez
midori                0.5.8            0.5.10                Alejandro Hernandez
python-smmap          0.8.2            0.9.0                 Alejandro Hernandez
python3               3.4.3            3.5.0b2               Alejandro Hernandez
python                2.7.9            3.5.0b2               Alejandro Hernandez
cronie                1.4.12           1.5.0                 Alejandro Hernandez
which                 2.20             2.21                  Alejandro Hernandez
gnome-icon-theme      2.31.0           3.12.0                Alejandro Hernandez
dpkg                  1.17.25          1.18.1                Aníbal Limón
jpeg                  8d               9a                    Aníbal Limón       
  webkit-gtk 1.8.3 doesn't wo...
sqlite3                  Aníbal Limón
mc                    4.8.13           4.8.14                Aníbal Limón
screen                4.0.3            4.2.1                 Aníbal Limón
lz4                   128+gitX         r123                  Armin Kuster
nettle                2.7.1            3.1rc3                Armin Kuster       
  3.0.0 breaks gnutls, api ch...
pinentry              0.9.2            0.9.4                 Armin Kuster
linux-libc-headers    3.19             3.19.8                Bruce Ashfield
console-tools         0.3.2            1999.03.02            Chen Qi
dbus-test             1.8.10           1.9.16                Chen Qi
dbus                  1.8.16           1.9.16                Chen Qi
systemd               219-stable+gitX  21522eade6dd8422b...  Chen Qi
iproute2              3.17.0           4.0.0                 Cristian Iorga
libpcap               1.6.2            1.7.3                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-libav    1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-plug...  1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0          1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
libvorbis             1.3.4            1.3.5                 Cristian Iorga
libatomics-ops        7.2              7.4.0                 Cristian Iorga
speex                 1.2rc1           1.2rc2                Cristian Iorga
gstreamer1.0-rtsp...  1.4.5            1.5.1                 Cristian Iorga
db                    6.0.30           6.1.23.NC             Cristian Iorga     
  API compatibility issue
libical               1.0.0            1.0.1                 Cristian Iorga
libtirpc              0.2.5            0.3.1                 Cristian Iorga
linux-yocto-rt        3.14.36+gitX     3.14.39+gitAUTOIN...  Darren Hart
u-boot-fw-utils       v2015.01+gitX    v2015.04+gitAUTOI...  Denys Dmytriyenko
u-boot-mkimage        v2015.01+gitX    v2015.04+gitAUTOI...  Denys Dmytriyenko
u-boot                v2015.01+gitX    v2015.04+gitAUTOI...  Denys Dmytriyenko
ncurses               5.9              20150606              Hongxu Jia
distcc                3.1              3.2rc1                Hongxu Jia
qmmp                  0.7.7            0.8.5                 Hongxu Jia
perl                  5.20.0           5.22.0                Hongxu Jia
createrepo            0.4.11           0.10.4                Hongxu Jia         
  Versions after 0.9.* use YU...
bash                  4.3              4.3.30                Hongxu Jia         
  The latest version in yocto...
python-nose           1.3.6            1.3.7                 Khem Raj
python-numpy          1.7.0            1.9.2                 Khem Raj
python3-distribute    0.6.32           0.7.3                 Khem Raj
rpm                   5.4.14           5.4.15                Mark Hatle
libpfm4               4.3.0            4.6.0                 Matthew McClintock
gcc-source-4.9.2      4.9.2            5.1.0                 No maintainer
clutter-gst-3.0       3.0.4            3.0.6                 No maintainer
opkg                  0.2.4            0.3.0                 Paul Barker
grub                  2.00+X           2.00+AUTOINC+697e...  Paul Eggleton
dropbear              2014.66          2015.67               Paul Eggleton
cmake                3.2.3                 Paul Eggleton
libav                 9.18             11.4                  Paul Eggleton
x264                  r2265+gitX       r2491                 Paul Eggleton
qt4-embedded          4.8.6            5.4.2                 Paul Eggleton
qt4-x11-free          4.8.6            5.4.2                 Paul Eggleton
gpgme                 1.4.3            1.5.4                 Paul Eggleton
yasm                  1.2.0            1.3.0                 Paul Eggleton
augeas                1.2.0            1.4.0                 Paul Eggleton
libevdev              1.3              1.4.2                 Paul Eggleton
libpng12              1.2.53           1.6.17                Randy Witt
python-async          0.6.1            0.6.2                 Randy Witt
tcf-agent             0.4.0+gitX       8.0+gitAUTOINC+ac...  Randy Witt
unfs3                 0.9.22.r490      0.9.22.r494           Randy Witt
libunistring          0.9.4            0.9.5                 Randy Witt
libpam                1.1.6            1.2.0                 Randy Witt
libpciaccess          0.13.3           0.13.4                Richard Purdie
intltool              0.50.2           0.51.0                Richard Purdie
python-distribute     0.6.32           0.7.3                 Richard Purdie     
  0.7.3 only upgrades 0.6.32,...
python-pygobject      2.28.3           3.16.1                Richard Purdie     
  Newer versions of python-py...
libdrm                2.4.59           2.4.61                Richard Purdie
libmpc                1.0.2            1.0.3                 Richard Purdie
binutils              2.25             7.9.1                 Robert Yang
e2fsprogs             1.42.9           1.42.13               Robert Yang
git                   2.4.2            2.4.3                 Robert Yang
gmp                   6.0.0            6.0.0a                Robert Yang
logrotate             3.8.8            3.9.1                 Robert Yang
liberation-fonts      1.04             2.00.1                Ross Burton        
  2.00.0 - fontforge package ...
libinput              0.7.0            0.17.0                Ross Burton
weston                1.6.0            1.8.0                 Ross Burton
xf86-input-evdev      2.9.1            2.9.2                 Ross Burton
xf86-input-keyboard   1.8.0            1.8.1                 Ross Burton
xf86-input-synaptics  1.8.1            1.8.2                 Ross Burton
xf86-input-vmmouse    13.0.0           13.0.99               Ross Burton
xf86-video-omap       0.4.2+gitrX      0.4.3+gitrAUTOINC...  Ross Burton
xf86-video-vmware     13.0.2           13.1.0                Ross Burton
wayland               1.6.0            1.8.0                 Ross Burton
xkeyboard-config      2.14             2.15                  Ross Burton
webkit-gtk            1.8.3            1.9.92                Ross Burton        
  >= 1.10.2 needs ruby
gnutls                3.3.14           3.4.1                 Ross Burton
vala                  0.28.0           0.29.1                Ross Burton
vte                   0.28.2           0.40.2                Ross Burton
gtk+3                 3.12.2           3.16.3                Ross Burton
gtk+                  2.24.27          2.24.28               Ross Burton
libnotify             0.6.0            0.7.6                 Ross Burton
clutter-1.0           1.20.0           1.22.2                Ross Burton
clutter-gtk-1.0       1.4.4            1.6.0                 Ross Burton
cogl-1.0              1.18.2           1.20.0                Ross Burton
fontconfig            2.11.93          2.11.94               Ross Burton
build-appliance-i...  12.0.1           13.0.0                Saul Wold
uclibc                0.9.33+gitX  Saul Wold
libtheora             1.1.1            1.2.0alpha1           Saul Wold
tiff                  4.0.3            4.0.4beta             Saul Wold
ca-certificates       20141019         20150426              Saul Wold
libunique             1.1.6            3.0.2                 Saul Wold
mx-1.0                1.4.7+gitX       1.99.4+gitAUTOINC...  Saul Wold
blktrace              1.0.5+gitX       1.1.0+gitAUTOINC+...  Tom Zanussi
ccache                3.1.11           3.2.2                 Wenzong Fan
chkconfig             1.3.58           1.5                   Wenzong Fan

Upgradable count: 105
Upgradable total count: 114

The based commit is:

commit 3b1d89a51445cf526ca84eb5b53de434f9585d6e
Author: Richard Purdie <>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 17:44:27 2015 +0100

    scripts/combo-layer: Fix exit codes and tty handling
    If combo-layer is called from a non-interactive context we should exit
    with a correct error code rather than try and drop to a shell.
    This patch cleans up a few error case exit codes as well as
    detecting and handling non-interactive usage.
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>

Any problem, please contact Anibal Limon <> 
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