Hi everyone,

I have a working root fs based on "dizzy", for which I created a customized 
machine config, a custom package config recipe and a custom image recipe.
When running into problems with the python installation on that rootfs I 
decided to upgrade to Poky 1.8 "fido".

So I checked out the "fido" branches of the following repositories:

-          git.yoctoproject.org/git/poky

-          github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core.git

-          github.com/openembedded/meta-openembedded.git

After that, a lot of packages were rebuilt (obviously), but everything seemed 
to work, excluding the last step:

NOTE: Executing buildhistory_get_image_installed ...
DEBUG: Executing shell function buildhistory_get_image_installed
DEBUG: Shell function buildhistory_get_image_installed finished
NOTE: Executing: ldconfig -/.../mymachine 
-poky-linux-gnueabi/mymachine-image/1.0-r0/rootfs-c new -v
ERROR: No kernel-abiversion file found 
(/.../pkgdata/kernel-depmod/kernel-abiversion), cannot run depmod, aborting
DEBUG: Python function do_rootfs finished
ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs

I already verified that a completely "vanilla" setup from these repositories 
(i.e. source oe-init-build-env into empty directory, then bitbake 
core-image-minimal) does indeed complete.
The problem is re-introduced as soon as I do not build with MACHINE ?= 
"beaglebone" but with my own machine configuration. Naturally I compared the 
configurations without finding anything too suspicious.

So, before I go into any further lengths about my machine configuration: Are 
there any general hints why the "kernel-abiversion" file might go missing after 
migrating from 1.7 to 1.8?

KR and TIA,
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