> On Apr 21, 2015, at 6:18 AM, Francois P. Gallichand 
> <francois.p.gallich...@ca.abb.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to use Valgrind but when I start it, it gives me an error because 
> a required library has its symbols stripped. After looking around, I found 
> out that the libc6-dbg packages should be installed and it is. However, when 
> I look into the rpm for libc6-dbg, it is empty. Why is that? What must I do 
> so it contains the non-strip version of the library?

you can add  EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += “dbg-pkgs” so you get debug info for whole 
image. if you just want libc to be with debug symbols add

may be adding 

RDEPENDS_${PN} += “libc6-dbg”

to valgrind recipe is better if it always required libc with debug info.
> Thank you.
> François Gallichand
> Engineer - Software Group
> ABB Group
> Analytical Business
> (418)877-2944 x268
> <image001.png>
> -- 
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