
Factory reset is a mechanism that is target to do a restore of rootfs image, the target is to provide reference software that helps embedded system vendors to do it easily and to be file system independent.

Here is a design proposal to implement Factory reset, next describe the components,

Partitioning: Need to create partition layout with an area for rootfs read-only and another with rootfs rw (day to day OS) also it need another area for Linux Recovery OS (minimal). Bootloader: Need to detect when a factory reset is needed and boots the Linux Recovery OS. Linux Recovery OS: A minimal Linux OS to perform restore fron rootfs ro area to rootfs rw area. Linux OS: A Linux OS that need to have an application to set the factory reset mode and next reboots, the application will be simple and should have a plugin system for add support of who generate
the event IP, Serial, HW button, etc.

All of the settings should be specified at level of user configuration.

I attached a simple flow of how it works, any feedback will be appreciated?


[1] https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1593
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