On 2015-03-05 05:45, Burton, Ross wrote:

On 5 March 2015 at 12:16, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com 
<mailto:g...@mlbassoc.com>> wrote:

    Using gstreamer1.0-libav seems to work, but it's really power hungry
    (i.e can cause my board's power supply over current!).  Does this
    plugin just hook into libav?  I've tried playing the same file using
    mplayer (which does use libav) and it doesn't have the same power

Yes, gstreamer1.0-libav is a wrapper around libav.  gstreamer1.0-libav does 
default to using an internal copy of libav instead of the system one, but 
that's a PACKAGECONFIG away
from being changed - assuming that it builds - and might help.

Thanks, I'll give it a go.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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