Hi Valentin,

On Wednesday 18 February 2015 11:53:57 Valentin Le bescond wrote:
> I'm working an a meta-wolfson layer to add the wolfson audio card support
> to the meta-raspberrypi layer.
> It's a very simple set of patche, but they apply to linux kernel 3.10.*
> And the PREFERED_VERSION of the machine configuration (raspberrypi.conf)
> is  :
> PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-raspberrypi ?= "3.12.%"
> I would like to build my images using
> linux-raspberrypi_3.10.38.bb
> instead of
> linux-raspberrypi_3.12.26.bb
> What is the most "best practice" whay to achive this ?
Why do you say "without touching PREFERRED_VERSION"? That would be the proper 
way to select that kernel for building. Seeing as it is set with ?= it is easy 
to override it with = from your local.conf if that's what you want to do.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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