 I want to add BSP layer for my mechine and I should take the our own 
customized kernel source(our kernel source).

 For that I add the BSP layer and wrote the recipe for that.

 My recipe is as follows:


 # This file was derived from the linux-yocto-custom.bb recipe in
# oe-core.
# linux-yocto-custom.bb:
#   A yocto-bsp-generated kernel recipe that uses the linux-yocto and
#   oe-core kernel classes to apply a subset of yocto kernel
#   management to git managed kernel repositories.
# Warning:
#   Building this kernel without providing a defconfig or BSP
#   configuration will result in build or boot errors. This is not a
#   bug.
# Notes:
#   patches: patches can be merged into to the source git tree itself,
#            added via the SRC_URI, or controlled via a BSP
#            configuration.
#   example configuration addition:
#            SRC_URI += "file://smp.cfg"
#   example patch addition:
#            SRC_URI += 
#   example feature addition:
#            SRC_URI += "file://feature.scc"
inherit kernel
require recipes-kernel/linux/linux-yocto.inc


SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"

SRC_URI += "file://mydhanush.scc \
            file://mydhanush.cfg \
            file://mydhanush-user-config.cfg \
            file://mydhanush-user-patches.scc \

LINUX_VERSION ?= "3.10.14"

PR = "r0"

#COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mydhanush = "mydhanush"
COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_mydhanush = "mydhanush"


but I got error as follows:

Log data follows:
| DEBUG: Executing shell function do_kernel_checkout
| ERROR: S is not set to the linux source directory. Check
| ERROR: the recipe and set S to the proper extracted subdirectory
| WARNING: exit code 1 from a shell command.
| ERROR: Function failed: do_kernel_checkout (log file is located at 

could you please help for resolving this issue.

Thanks and Regards,

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