On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Raphael Philipe <rapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was explained about the difference in a different way.
> cross generates binary for the host architecture. But the way this
> binary is generated depends of the target architecture. Native
> generated binaries that do not depend of the target architecture.

Yes; basically:

cross: generates a binary to run in the host system but dependant of
the target (e.g: binutils)
crosssdk: generates a binary to run in SDK host system but dependant
of the target (e.g: binutils)

native: generates a binary to run in the host system and has no direct
dependant information of the target
nativesdk: generates a binary to run in SDK host system and has no
direct dependant information of the target

The cross use is not very common because most of stuff fits in native
or target cases. However some specific utilities ends on this group.

The fw tools inside of U-Boot qualifies for both target and cross use
cases. When used in cross or crosssdk, it can be used to change things
in the generated image (sdcard for example) while in the target case
it can be used in the runtime system.

I hope it is clear now. If someone can add more info here, please do.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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