> On Jan 8, 2015, at 2:01 AM, Paul Eggleton <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> 
> wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 January 2015 16:36:37 Khem Raj wrote:
>>> On Jan 7, 2015, at 1:25 AM, Richard Purdie
>>> <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>>> I was informed on irc yesterday that bug reports are hard and that
>>> debugging via irc is easier. I think I need to remind people why good
>>> bug reports are important and how they do actually help immensely.
>>> I do actually believe that not everything has to have bug report. If you
>>> mention an issue, someone says "hey, I know how to fix that" and sends a
>>> patch out, a bug report is wasted overhead IMO. I know some programme
>>> managers who disagree strongly with me and would suggest *every* bugfix
>>> commit should have a defect tracking item. We're not going there I
>>> understand the idea, its not practical.
>>> That said, if its not immediately clear what the problem is, it should
>>> become a bug report. Why?
>>> Firstly, the random selection of people on irc at the time probably
>>> aren't the right people to fix it. Telling those people to read 48 hours
>>> of irc log for the details is disrespectful of their time.
>>> It also happens that the first people referred to a bug may not be the
>>> person who actually can fix it. If someone else needs to come to a bug,
>>> having a summary of the issue, the salient facts and the current status
>>> is immensley useful for handover.
>>> As a case in point, I tried to debug a qt4 build failure yesterday for
>>> which there is no bug report. I lost hours building the wrong things,
>>> experimenting to try and find the reproducer steps and generally chasing
>>> my tail, losing the autobuilder log of the failure, the name of the qt4
>>> recipe that was failing (which task was it again?) and so on.
>>> I do now have a set of reproducer steps, its quite simple:
>>> MACHINE=imx53qsb bitbake virtual/kernel
>>> MACHINE=imx53qsb bitbake virtual/kernel -c clean
>>> MACHINE=imx53qsb bitbake qt4-x11-free
>>> I also have a patch. Where should I share them? How do I ensure everyone
>>> with an interest in this defect actually gets the patch? Sure I can
>>> create email and send to the people who I think need to know. The
>>> bugzilla lets interested parties add themselves to bugs though.
>>> I should also note that QA actually go through bugs in the bugzilla,
>>> including closed ones, looking for test cases. We're not great at this
>>> yet but it does happen. If there is a well documented test case like
>>> that above, we might write an automated QA test for it. Having it
>>> documented is therefore a good thing.
>>> I do appreciate writing a bug report is hard, especially if you don't
>>> know where the problem is, or how to reproduce it exactly. It takes time
>>> and effort. You can however document what you know and discussion can
>>> happen in a common place to figure out how to reproduce it. I do except
>>> the submitters to fully understand the bug, if they did they'd probably
>>> write a patch instead.
>>> So fair warning, I am going to start ignoring things on irc and ask for
>>> bug numbers in future, assuming something isn't a 5 minute fix with an
>>> immediate patch. I will back and encourage anyone else doing this too.
>> What about developer mailing lists ?. isn’t it also a way to report problems
>> via emails after all we use emails for patch work flow. Not all people
>> working with OE-Core e.g. might be following yocto bugzilla
> Mailing lists are great for discussion (e.g. "I have this problem but I'm not 
> sure of the right way to solve it") but a terrible way to track actual bugs, 
> because mailing lists tend to concentrate on the latest postings; older 
> issues 
> that haven't been resolved rapidly disappear with the tide of new postings. 
> Of 
> course old issues can build up in a bug tracker, but at least it's trivially 
> easy to find open issues where it's much more difficult to find unresolved 
> issues 
> on a mailing list.
> The point is, the best way to ensure that an issue gets solved at least for 
> OE-Core is to file a bug in the YP bugzilla. There is then a triage process 
> and 
> in most cases someone to actually assign the issue to so that it can be dealt 
> with. There is no such process on the mailing lists.

for a user perspective
when I try to google for any issue, first hits are not bugzilla, but the ml 
I am just saying all different ways for reporting issues should be encouraged. 
Now if someone
wants to turn it into a bugzilla entry thats good.

> Cheers,
> Paul
> -- 
> Paul Eggleton
> Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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