The deadline for this CFP is coming up soon, so please submit presentations!

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From: "Tim Bird" <>
Subject: [Elc-announce] Embedded Linux Conference 2015 - Call for Participation

Hello everyone,

The CE Workgroup of the Linux Foundation would like to invite you
to make a presentation at our upcoming Embedded Linux Conference.
The conference will be held March 23 - 25 in San Jose, California.
The theme for this year is "Drones, Things and Automobiles", and
we're excited to discuss some new areas where embedded Linux is
really taking off! (pun intended

For general information about the conference, See

For information about the call for participation, see

Please note the guidelines on the CFP page. It's usually pretty obvious
when we're reviewing the abstracts, as a program committee, who has
read the guidelines and who hasn't.

ELC is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for
embedded Linux developers. The conference is open to the public.

= Guidelines =
Presentations should be of a technical nature, covering topics
related to use of Linux in embedded systems. Topics related to
consumer electronics are particularly encouraged, but any
proposals about Linux that are of general relevance to most
embedded developers are welcome.

Presentations that are commercial advertisements or sales
pitches are not appropriate for this conference.

Especially encouraged this year are talks in the following

 * Linux in Automotive
 * Drones and Robots
 * Linux in the Internet of Things

And we'd also love to hear your proposals in the following topic
areas as well:

 * Audio, Video, Streaming Media, and Graphics
 * Security
 * System size, Boot speed, and Real-Time Performance
 * Flash Memory Devices and Filesystems
 * Build Systems, Embedded Distributions, and Development tools
 * Mobile Phones, DVRs, TVs, Cameras, etc.
 * Practical Experiences and War Stories
 * Standards

Most presentation slots will be 50 minutes long, including time for

Tutorials, demos, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions may also be

The deadline for submissions is midnight January 9, 2015 PDT.

To repeat, for additional info and details for making a proposal, see

I look forward to seeing your great ideas and projects,

 -- Tim Bird
 CEWG Architecture Group Chair,
 Program Committee Chair for ELC
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