Hi Chan Kit,

On Monday 22 December 2014 03:33:17 Yu, Chan KitX wrote:
> Here's an update FYI. I have managed to get clang sort of working. It
> compiles my sample code but I can't get the binary to execute. ./a.out
> simply returns:
> ./a.out: No such file or directory.
> I'm sure that a.out exists and weirdly I could get the same binary file to
> run on my build machine. So I guess it could be because of some
> architecture difference but both target and build platform are quite the
> same (Intel x64 in build machine and BayleyBay for target platform) I used
> valleyisland-64 for the target platform so both should be able to execute
> 64 bit binaries. I suppose I can specify some other configuration options
> there but I have no idea what to specify the configure parameter
> --target=<TARGET> . x64 did not do any good. So any idea?

That sounds a bit like the binary has been linked to libraries in the host 
libdir rather than the correct one for the target. You may be able to verify 
that using ldd.



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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