On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Darcy Watkins
<dwatk...@sierrawireless.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In my target system I have a microcontroller (MCU) that handles some I/O, 
> power supplies and system boot up to the point of taking the main CPU out of 
> reset.  At present, we build the MCU firmware from source and then the binary 
> file is packaged to be used as payload with an MCU firmware update utility.
> Now my main question...  does anyone have suggestions (or is there a 'yocto' 
> way) to build such a cross compiler for the MCU so that it can be invoked to 
> build MCU firmware from source as part of the bitbake build for the Linux 
> target's image.  The idea would be to build MCU firmware image from source 
> using the MCU cross compiler, but obviously to build drivers and utilities 
> that run on the main CPU using the normal cross-compiler toolchains built 
> under yocto.  Then I could package the payload firmware image along with 
> utilities all as part of the same RPM package.
> The MCU cross compiler we use was originally generated using crosstool-ng, 
> and is essentially a gcc cross compiler for 'bare metal' MCU target.
> Does anyone who has gone down this road have suggestions?
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Darcy
> Darcy Watkins ::  Staff Engineer, Firmware
> Direct  +1 604 233 7989   ::  Fax  +1 604 231 1109  ::  Main  +1 604 231 1100
> 13811 Wireless Way  :: Richmond, BC Canada V6V 3A4
> [P2]
> dwatk...@sierrawireless.com :: www.sierrawireless.com :: 
> www.inmotiontechnology.com
> --
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Hi Darcy,

if I understand correctly you use the standard toolchain for the
target image and a custom $CC to build one custom binary.

We use klcc for a couple of klibc-static-recipes thus we created a
.bbclass to be inherited.


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