On 12/18 08:22, Petter Gustad wrote:
> I've run "bitbake rpi-hwup-image" using the daisy branch:
> meta-yocto-bsp    = "daisy:1e668ccf1a05c5d730de9747bc1c2b0446bda556"
> meta-raspberrypi.git = "daisy:946b69299737cc2f1378c864f1b9075280db1b53"
> However, whenever I boot the created sdimage it will lock up during
> boot. Typically I will see some garbage on the serial console.
> Sometimes I'm able to log in, but then then I get no response (as in
> the below session). Putting a pre-compiled distribution on the same
> sdcard will boot just fine.
> Does anybody else observe this behavior?

Have you seen the same on 1.7 or current master? I'm using a number of
Yocto built images (sone on 1.7.x, other mostly follow poky +
meta-raspberrypi master branches) and things seem to work just fine.

Maciej Borzęcki
Senior Software Developer at Open-RnD Sp. z o.o., Poland
mobile: +48 889 117 365, fax: +48 42 657 9079

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