I'm perplexed by a behaviour in my system.  When I built
on Dec 2 (poky/master=b8631416f12b8a904ce3deb036f9d5ce632937b0)
I get all available/mountable devices automatically mounted
at boot, e.g.
  # df
  Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/root        7487288 1020016   6086936  15% /
  devtmpfs          383760       4    383756   1% /dev
  tmpfs                 40       0        40   0% /mnt/.psplash
  tmpfs             514980     224    514756   1% /run
  tmpfs             514980     108    514872   1% /var/volatile
  /dev/mmcblk1p1      8168    4652      3516  57% /run/media/mmcblk1p1
  /dev/mmcblk1p2     43499   31903      9139  78% /run/media/mmcblk1p2
  /dev/sda1         126527    4676    121852   4% /run/media/sda1
  /dev/mmcblk0p1    126527    4960    121568   4% /run/media/mmcblk0p1
  /dev/mmcblk0p2  29723452   80044  28126872   1% /run/media/mmcblk0p2

Today I updated from master and when I rebuilt my image, those
/run/media/* file systems are gone 
  # df
  Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/root       15108832 1163564  13177764   9% /
  devtmpfs          383768       0    383768   0% /dev
  tmpfs                 40       0        40   0% /mnt/.psplash
  tmpfs             514988     268    514720   1% /run
  tmpfs             514988      92    514896   1% /var/volatile

This is the same hardware, the same system image, same everything.

I've noticed this before - the /run/media mounts were sometimes
present, other times not.  Any clues what drives this and why
they worked on Tuesday and not on Thursday (this week)?

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world
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