Hi All,

           I am working on danny branch and having an issue with respect to
adding headers in the generated SDK toolchain.

I am generating the SDK using

$ bitbake -c populate_sdk image_name

When I generate the SDK, the openssl and alsa headers were missing from

Adding the following did add the ALSA headers but the openssl headers are
still missing

TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK_append = " openssl-dev"

TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK_append = " alsa-dev"

Therefore can anyone please let me know the following

1) What headers ar populated in /opt/poky/1.3/sysroots/image

2) How do I make the openssl headers appear in /opt/poky/1.3/sysroots/image

3) I though all the headers for all the libs used in target will be
populated in the SDK. Is this not true?

4) Also noticed the headers are present in but not in generated SDK.

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