Based on your suggestion Bryan, and referring to Section 10 -Glossary of the ref-manual regarding FILES, I have changed the recipe as follows: __________________________________________ DESCRIPTION = "Belkin Wifi Firmware" PR = "1.5" LICENSE = "CLOSED" FILES_${PN} += "~/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/zd1211-firmware" SRC_URI = " file://zd1211_ub file://zd1211_uph file://zd1211_uphm file://zd1211_uphr file://zd1211_ur "
do_install() { install -d ${D}/lib/firmware/zd1211 install -m 0555 ${WORKDIR}/zd1211_* ${D}/lib/firmware/zd1211/ } ___________________________________________________________ I had not seen a reference to the FILES parameter previously. However, this still does not work. Refering to : I run the follwoing command from my build directory: $ bitbake -b meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/ and I get the following error: ___________________________________________ ERROR: QA Issue: zd1211-firmware: Files/directories were installed but not shipped /lib /lib/firmware /lib/firmware/zd1211 /lib/firmware/zd1211/zd1211_uphr /lib/firmware/zd1211/zd1211_ub /lib/firmware/zd1211/zd1211_uphm /lib/firmware/zd1211/zd1211_ur /lib/firmware/zd1211/zd1211_uph ERROR: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them. ERROR: Function failed: do_package_qa ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/lachlan/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/cortexa5t2hf-vfp-poky-linux-gnueabi/zd1211-firmware/1.5-1.5/temp/log.do_package.3991 ERROR: Task 10 (/home/lachlan/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/, do_package) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 9 tasks of which 6 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed. No currently running tasks (9 of 12) Summary: 1 task failed: /home/lachlan/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/, do_package ______________________________________________ Note that i also had to address the LICENSE reference as I was getting LICENSE_CHCKSUM errors Also note that when I try to build the full image, there is no error but the files are not present. In my build directory configuration file I have the reference to my recipe layer: /home/lachlan/poky/meta-atmel-lsp but although other recipes in this directory are working fine, this recipe seems to be overlooked. I know that the full image build sees the recipe because if I comment out the LICENSE reference, the full image build indicates an error in this regard. Thanks for any help Lachlan ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bryan Evenson" To:"" , "" Cc: Sent:Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:03:07 +0000 Subject:RE: [yocto] recipe fails to load local files Lachlan, If that is your entire recipe, I don’t see any FILES specification: [1]. The SRC_URI just says where to get the source, but the FILES states which files are expected to be added to the package. I believe the FILES variable is auto-populated by a compiled package, which is why you may not see the FILES variable in every recipe. But in your case in which you don’t compile the code but are just installing files on disk, you need to fill out the FILES variable. Regards, Bryan FROM: [] ON BEHALF OF SENT: Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:21 AM TO: SUBJECT: [yocto] recipe fails to load local files I am using yocto 1.6.1 and I have a a number of recipes in ~/home/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp. I have a lightpdbbappend that loads local files, I have a wpa-supplicant.bbappend that loads local files, but I am also trying to load some firmware that should load local files but fails. In ~/home/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/ I have the recipe as follows: _______________________________________ SUMMARY = "Belkin Wifi Firmware" LICENSE = "GPL" SRC_URI = " file://zd1211_ub file://zd1211_uph file://zd1211_uphm file://zd1211_uphr file://zd1211_ur " do_install() { install -d ${D}/lib/firmware/zd1211 install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/zd1211_* ${D}/lib/firmware/zd1211/ } _____________________________________ I sourced these files but not the recipe from: [2] The files indicated in the recipe are in : ~/home/poky/meta-atmel-lsp/recipes-lsp/zd1211-firmware/zd1211-firmware/ When I create the image, no directory is created as /lib/firmware/zd1211 and also no files are loaded into it. I have also tried {THISDIR} instead of using {WORKDIR} I also tried specifying a specific file rather than using the wild card I have also tried using 'cp' instead of 'install -m 0755' None seem to work. I am expecting the firmware files to be located in: ~/poky/build-atmel/tmp/work/sama5d3xek-poky-linux-gnueabi/atmel-qt5-demo-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/firmware but they are not. I originally started with a recipe to load the files directly from the source, but that did not work. The original recipe used was from: [3] That did not work and now I am extracting the files from the .tar and trying to load them direct. Maybe the same problem exists between the original recipe and loading the .tar files. Thanks for any help Lachlan ---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - [4] ---- Message sent via Adam Internet WebMail - Links: ------ [1] [2] [3] [4]
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