Thanks Nick, that will be much appreciated.


From: nick []
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 1:42 PM
To: Jim Rafert;
Subject: Re: [yocto] New recipe for toolchain fails install, "ERROR: 
object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored."

Hey Jim,
I had a stressful day with other things so I would like some time to unwind but 
I will try and help out
later if that's OK.

On 14-11-13 03:13 PM, Jim Rafert wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to put together a recipe to include llvm and clang in the yocto 
> toolchain.  My goal is to have the clang compiler available for application 
> development.  I do not intend to compile the kernel or OS image with clang.  
> I have created a recipe and placed it in one of my added layers as follows:
> PR = "r0"
> LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE.TXT;md5=47e311aa9caedd1b3abf098bd7814d1d"
> SRC_URI = "file://llvm-3.5.0.tar.gz \
>           "
> SRC_URI[md5sum] = "e2dd127722ffb305c981d2a02687b4ff"
> SRC_URI[sha256sum] = 
> "1badb762129feb7ced9484a7969c88cebab9b01b80b83002fc9690933cd7d0e0"
> EXTRA_OECONF = "--config=Linux-yocto "
> INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "already-stripped"
> #FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/* /usr/bin "
> inherit autotools
> do_configure () {
>         ./configure --enable-optimized --enable-targets=x86,x86_64 
> --host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> }
> The recipe is copied from another recipe of mine that builds the POCO 
> libraries, so INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "already-stripped" may not actually be 
> necessary, but was left in until I got the recipe running.
> I add the recipe to the toolchain by including it in TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK from 
> my local.conf, thus:
> "TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK += " llvm "
> This gets the source unpacked, configures, and compiles, but do_install fails 
> with several instances of this message: "ERROR: object '' 
> from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored."
> Even though it doesn't install, the build products are in the work directory, 
> so I examined them.
> [jimr@krusty llvm-3.5.0]$ file 
> /home/jimr/tera/yocto/daisy/build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/llvm/3.5.0-r0/llvm-3.5.0/Release+Asserts/bin/clang
> /home/jimr/tera/yocto/daisy/build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/llvm/3.5.0-r0/llvm-3.5.0/Release+Asserts/bin/clang:
>  ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked 
> (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, 
> BuildID[sha1]=0x96bd97125551d23e94bcbbc4e68b69b8db36def9, not stripped
> I was hoping that this would be built for the architecture specified in 
> local.conf for the toolchain, which is: SDKMACHINE ?= "x86_64"
> I think that this architecture mismatch may be the root of the problem with 
> the LD_PRELOAD of pseudo.  I also would expect that the work directory would 
> be under x86_64-nativesdk-pokysdk-linux or x86_64-pokysdk-linux rather than 
> i586-poky-linux.
> Do any of you Yocto/OE/bitbake experts out there know what I might be doing 
> wrong, or not doing, that causes this problem?
> I have attached the output of the bitbake command, my local.conf file, the 
> recipe, and config.log and config.status from the work directory for your 
> viewing pleasure.
> Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
> -Jim-
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