On 10/30/2014 12:07 PM, Paul Barker wrote:
On 30 October 2014 18:21, Saul Wold <s...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
Just a reminder now that master is open again for patches, now is a great
time to consider doing package Updates. Based on some rough estimates from
1.7 we did around 300 updates from 34 contributors, that got us about 73%
packages upgrades.
We currently have about 180 packages due to be updated based on the Package
Reporting from this last week, about 65 of those where not updated in 1.7 so
should be given some priority (see attached file), there are also 10 that
need maintainers, let me know if you are interested in any of them.
I don't see opkg, opkg-utils or libarchive in those emails or on
http://packages.yoctoproject.org/upgradepkgname. Any particular reason
they're missing?
I will look into that, could be that the code in the fetcher is not
catching opkg correctly, we are working on updating that code to do a
better job.
I'll send an upgrade to opkg v0.2.3 tomorrow, then further upgrades
once they're available.
Once I've merged a patch by Jian Liu to opkg-utils there will likely
be an opkg-utils SRCREV update.
I have my eye on libarchive as well as I'm using it within the
development versions of opkg. I'm subscribed to their announcement
mailing list so I'll know when a new release is made.
Thanks, saw your email earlier, thanks your hard work on the OPKG* know
it's appreciated.
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