On 10/28/2014 09:47 PM, Andrew Wozniak wrote:
I'm fairly new to the Yocto environment but have worked with lower
level Linux build systems. To get started, my target needs to have a
read-only rootfs, while excluding specific directories like /tmp and
The Project Dev Manual 5.15 section mentions the configuration of a
read-only filesystem. I haven't tried this method yet and was
wondering if there are any options for custom exclusions other than
the /tmp and /var/run mentioned in the docs.
I think you are using a sysvinit based system, right?
With the current project, you can follow the two steps below o make
things work:
1. Modify meta/recipes-core/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/volatiles file,
remove the corresponding entries for /tmp and /var/log.
You can do this via a bbappend file in your own layer, or you could just
modified the installed file (/etc/default/volatiles/00_core).
2. Edit your /etc/fstab, add corresponding entries.
I think this is an area we should do better in Yocto.
Best Regards,
Chen Qi
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