On Wednesday 24 September 2014 10:26:41 Navani Srivastava wrote:
> I corrected FILES_${PN} and added following in my image recipe-
> QTNAME = "qte"
> QT_DIR_NAME = "qtopia"
> require recipes-qt/meta/meta-toolchain-qt.bb
> but that didn't make any difference related to SDK integration. On
> executing 'bitbake -v <MyImageName>', it is generating rootfs and sdk, in
> which contains rootfs contains qjson libraries but sdk doesn't integrate
> anything.

To generate the SDK you'd need to also do bitbake -c populate_sdk <imagename> 
- you did do that as well after making the changes to the recipe, right ?



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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