My first post here and I'm very new to Yocto.  Thanks to all who have 
contributed to this awesome project!
I need some help getting xdebug to work with modphp and apache2 in the yocto 

I have successfully built a target image that serves web pages fine with modphp 
and apache2.  HOWEVER I can't seem to get xdebug to appear anywhere in the 
phpinfo() report.

I realize this may not be a yocto specific question, but I have used xdebug and 
modphp in other Linux environments and have never had this problem. I'm curious 
if anyone has used xdebug successfully with Yocto or can see what I may be 
doing wrong.

Here is what I have so far:

According to the http://xdebug.org/wizard.php I should use xdebug 2.2.5 for php 
5.5.2.  Since Yocto dora only has xdebug 2.2.3, I copied the xdebug_2.2.5.bb 
recipe (unchanged) from master to my layer.

To fix an invalid source url and to get some needed modphp features, I wrote a 
modphp_5.5.2.bbappend file in my layer:

# ELK: bad link - original: http://www.php.net/distributions/php-${PV}.tar.bz2
SRC_URI_remove = "http://www.php.net/distributions/php-${PV}.tar.bz2 "
SRC_URI =. "http://museum.php.net/php5/php-${PV}.tar.bz2 "
DEPENDS += "libxml2"

EXTRA_OECONF_remove = " \
  --disable-pdo \
  --disable-xml \
  --disable-xmlreader \
  --disable-xmlwriter \
  --disable-simplexml \
  --disable-libxml \

  --enable-pdo \
  --enable-xml \
  --enable-xmlreader \
  --enable-xmlwriter \
  --enable-simplexml \
  --enable-libxml \
  --with-libxml-dir=${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${exec_prefix} \

Other specific information: 
  1. Yocto Dora 1.5
  2. Kernel: 3.0.35-4.1.0-edm_fairy+ga97aa82 (for Technexion edm1-cf-imx6 / 
Fairy board)
  2. xdebug_2.2.5.bb
  3. modphp_5.5.2.bb (with my above bbappend).
  4. apache2-native_2.4.6.bb, apache2_2.4.6.bb (dora)
  5. Manually edited the following to /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini on the 
target and rebooted:


A link to my phpinfo() report:

Again the above builds fine and runs ok, but I can't get xdebug to work.
Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can provide!


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