Hello folks,
is there a possibility to force a recipe to provide a specific file?
My problem is that my own recipe is providing a file which is already provided
by another recipe. I don't want to change that other recipe and the rootfs
should include both package but only the specified file from my package.

The following message is produced by bitbake:

WARNING: The recipe ghostscript is trying to install files into a shared area
when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
   Matched in manifest-board-cups-filters.populate_sysroot
   Matched in manifest-board-cups-filters.populate_sysroot
Please verify which package should provide the above files.

The only solution which came to my mind is to remove the file from the original
recipe using a bbappend, but I think this isn't a really "clean" way.

Does anybody have another/better idea how to solve this "problem"?



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