On 10/06/2014 17:50, Marlon Smith wrote:
> Wow, thanks everyone for the excellent replies.  I am a developer and
> not much of a legal guy, so pointing out the licensing issues with
> Ubuntu was especially helpful.
> It sounds like we are going to choose Yocto for our product.

Further to the excellent points made by others, presumably Freescale are
providing commercial support on Yocto for i.MX6 now too.

I know they have a developer day coming up in the UK shortly at which
Yocto is on the agenda.

I also suspect they will have some "ready to run" binaries somewhere for
download, although I can't spot them in the walled garden.

They usually do, and that might even be enough for you, depending on
your needs, and how custom the board variant is...



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